/ Politics - Devoted Service for the People's Well-being
For Intellectual Development of Children
  The respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un pays deep attention to the intellectual development of the children as well as their growth.
  On January 1, Juche 104(2015), he visited the Pyongyang Baby Home and Orphanage.

  That day, he dropped in at the intellectual play rooms of the baby home and orphanage.
  He said a lot of books for intellectual education of children should be published and sent to all the baby homes and orphanages across the country.
  He stressed the need to not only make good books for intellectual education of children at home, but also import similar ones and translate them well according to the ages and psychological features of our children before printing them.
  In the intellectual play room of the orphanage, he asked if they've got picture books for intellectual education and said: There are a lot of books in the room. The books titled "We Learn Our Mother Tongue" and "Let's Think" are good for intellectual development of the children.
  It is the will of Kim Jong Un to bring up the children well so that a lot of them become eminent scientists, heroes and servicemen.
  That day, Kim Jong Un earnestly called again for publishing larger quantities of picture books for intellectual education and sending them to the baby homes and orphanages throughout the country.