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Special Detachment Dispatched by the Party
  The Korean young people are proudly called reliable reserves, advance group and wing of the Workers' Party of Korea.
  They've got another new appellation, that is, a special detachment dispatched by the Party.
  Some time ago, young people left for the sites for recovery from flood damages in the northwestern part of the country amid a send-off of the respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un.

  Kim Jong Un felt his heart heavy when a crucial task for immediate recovery of the damaged areas was presented in late July.
  At the very moment when a special detachment was urgently needed to tide over the difficulties facing the country, he thought of the young people who had been kept deep in his mind. He desired them to heal the damage as early as possible and build a people's paradise.
  Really great were his trust in and expectation for the young people.
  Young people actively volunteered to go to the damage rehabilitation sites with a single mind to repay his trust and expectations. The number of the volunteers amounted to nearly 300,000 only in a few days.
  Here is Ma Kum Hae, Student of the Pyongyang University of Foreign Studies.
  "I am one of those young people who volunteered to work at the sites of damage rehabilitation.
  Still rankling deep in my heart is the image of the respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un aboard a dangerous rubber boat looking painfully at the submerged houses, the cradle of the people, and the disaster-hit land.
  At the honourable departure ceremony, Kim Jong Un said he would like to speak to the world proudly that our country has such great young people, adding that we should stand up without fail, tiding over this crisis with our own efforts.
  It is quite natural for the young people to stand in the van of the campaign for relieving him of his worries."
  The rehabilitation work now under way in the basin of the Amnok River is a gigantic construction campaign for completely renovating a part of our territory, which is equivalent to bringing about a transformation.
  The Korean young people will more fully display the stamina of youth at the sites of damage rehabilitation with the consciousness of being a special detachment dispatched by the Party.