/ Features
Patriotic Devotion to Assisting the Army
  The 70-odd year-long history of victory of the Korean People's Army is associated with the patriotic devotion of the entire Korean people who have assisted the army on the principle of our army first.
  The Korean people find their pride and happiness in devoting themselves to the service personnel and national defence as the building of a powerful country is unthinkable apart from strong defence capabilities.
  Last year, too, brisk socialist patriotic movements were launched amid the high enthusiasm of the entire people and arms and equipment conducive to increasing the defence capabilities of the country were donated to the People's Army.
  The students, convinced of the preciousness of the motherland before learning science and technology at their universities and colleges, actively conducted the do-good-thing movement to prepare "Taehaksaeng Chongnyon" (university and college students) multiple launch rocket system units.

  Student Jong Kang Bom at Kim Il Sung University says:
  "I served in the army before entering the university. But I cannot say I performed all my civic duty yet.
  When the movement for donating arms and equipment began, I wanted to devote my pure patriotism. So I told my parents what I was thinking.
  They actively supported me, saying I had a good idea."
  His parents living in Sinuiju City of North Phyongan Province are Meritorious Persons of Socialist Patriotism who are doing good for the country.
  Moreover, his father took part in the celebrations of the founding anniversary of the KPA as a special delegate and was invited to the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of victory in the Fatherland Liberation War last year. It was the intention of Jong Kang Bom, a student of new generation, to carry on the road of patriotism taken by his parents.
  The trade unionists, agricultural workers and women's unionists across the country also sent "Jikmaeng" (trade unions), "Nonggunmaeng" (union of agricultural workers) and "Nyomaeng" (women's union) multiple launch rocket system units named after their organizations to army posts.

  Ho Kyong Sun living in Sochon-dong, Sosong District of Pyongyang City distinguished herself in preparing "Nyomaeng" multiple launch rocket system units. She is one of the ordinary women in this country.
  Whenever she heard of good deeds done by activists in the assistance to the army through mass media, she would compare herself with them.
  She showed her sincerity plus that of her husband and 13-year-old daughter to prepare arms and equipment, although her family was not well off.
  She says:
  "The happiness of my family is guaranteed when the country is strong.
  It is the way of defending the happiness of my family to make a contribution to strengthening the defence capabilities, I think.
  My family will invariably carry on the road of increasing the defence capabilities of the country in the future, too."
  Such patriotic minds serve as a foundation for building a strong army and a stepping stone for strengthening the national power, and the assistance to the army is vigorously carried forward as an eternal social custom of this country.