Song "We Follow His Affection"
It was written by Cha Ho Gun and composed by Kim Ju Il. It impressively sings of the warm affection between the leader and the people and earnestly depicts the will of the people to follow only the respected Comrade
When children frolic in the yard and my house is filled with laugh,
I am choked with tears, thinking of the love that defended this cradle of happiness.
I am moved to tears, thinking of his warm affection.
I can never forget his affection that ran into my blood vessel.
All happiness comes to this land and the might of the country gets more powerful and its bright future hastened thanks to his warm affection for the people.
So the third stanza of the song sings in the lofty style; "If I fail, the coming generations shall follow only our Marshal
Nothing is more precious than the bosom that defended my destiny.
I will devote my life to him and always go straight along the road.
If I fail, the coming generations shall follow
Only our Marshal
There will be no change in my mind following his affection.