/ The World and Korea - International Friendship Exhibition House

  The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un received a metalwork as a gift from the subeditor of the Egyptian newspaper "Egyptian Gazette" on February 16, Juche 101(2012).
  Seen on the round work are pictures showing legends and customs of Egypt.
  The pictures are largely divided into three parts. In the upper part are pictures depicting pyramids, sphinx and camel which stand for eternity, immutability, good health and longevity in Egypt.
  In the middle part are pictures of the king of ancient Egypt receiving gifts from neighbouring countries and nations in his royal palace and of an ancient Egyptian shooting a bow on a chariot.
  In the lower part are ancient Egyptians who pray for bumper harvest, happiness and pleasure, worshipping the sun as a symbol of strength and power and an absolute existence giving nutrients of life to all living creatures.
  Written on the work are English letters to the effect that the gift is presented to Kim Jong Un.
  The gift is 37.8 centimetres across.