/ Lessons of Korean Language
At the Songdowon International Children's Camp (2)
송도원국제소년단야영소에서 (2)
At the Songdowon International Children's Camp

  1. 야영생들이 제일 좋아하는 곳이 어디입니까?
     (Which is the most favourite place of the campers?)
  2. 물놀이장을 제일 좋아하는데 야외에도 있고 실내에도 있습니다. 해수욕장 못지 않게 좋아합니다.
     Mul-no-ri-jang-ul-je-il-jo-a-ha-nun-de-ya-oe-e-do-it-kko-sil-nae-e-do-it-sum-ni-da. Hae-su-yok-jang-mot-jji-an-khe-jo-a-ham-ni-da.
     (It is the wading pool. It can be found outdoors and indoors. They like it as much as the bathing resort.)
  1. 료리실습실은 어떻습니까?
     (How about the cooking practice room?)
  2. 집에서 어머니가 해주던 료리들을 직접 만들어볼수 있으니 다들 좋아합니다.
     (All of them like it because they themselves can cook the foods their mothers used to make.)
  1. 거울집도 꽤나 흥성이누만요. 정말이지 야영소의 그 어디에나 아이들의 웃음소리뿐인것같습니다.
     Ko-ul-jip-do-kkwae-na-hung-song-i-nu-man-yo. Jong-ma-ri-ji-ya-yong-so-ui-gu-o-di-e-na-a-i-du-rui-u-sum-so-ri-ppu-nin-got-gat-sum-ni-da.
     (The mirror house is really crowded. All places of the camp seem to be filled with laughter of the children.)
  2. 정말 그렇습니다.
     (You're right.)