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Reception given for labour innovators
  A reception was given at the People's Palace of Culture in Pyongyang on the 9th for the labour innovators and meritorious persons in different fields from across the country who were specially invited to the celebrations of the 76th founding anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, our great motherland.
  Present at the reception were senior officials of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.
  The national anthem of the DPRK was played.
  Pak Thae Song, Secretary of the Central Committee of the WPK, made a speech at the reception.
  He, upon authorization of the Party and the government, warmly congratulated the labour innovators and meritorious persons on the platform of celebrating the National Day this year after rendering distinguished services in the van of the struggle for bolstering up the defence capability of the country, developing its economy and improving the people's living. And he expressed the belief that our socialist state will surely realize the ideal of overall national rejuvenation and demonstrate its dignity as a genuine people's country forever as it is supported by those with precious self-sacrificing spirit who devote their all to the happiness of the rising generations and its prosperous future and those with the immutable spirit of service who are firmly defending their workplaces and army posts without yielding to all the trials.