Fate of the United States

The officer in the photo is Lloyd Mark Bucher, Captain of the US armed spy ship "Pueblo".
On January 23, seven seamen of the Korean People's Army formed as a death-defying corps captured the spy ship "Pueblo" and more than 80 of its crew in 14 minutes.
The captives confessed that their espionage acts were inexcusable, open acts of aggression and crimes of violating even the elementary international law.
Screaming that "the 'Pueblo' is the first American warship captured on the sea since the end of the US civil war", however, the United States examined its plan of nuclear attack on major regions and airports of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, bringing the situation to the brink of war.
The DPRK gave a resolute answer to the arrogant United States. Return retaliation for "retaliation" and all-out war for all-out war!
The fierce DPRK-US confrontation, which lasted 11 months at the brink of war, was concluded with the apology of the US government and the exile of the captives.
57 years has passed since then.
The "Pueblo" is still stuck at the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum like a prisoner.
And the captain in the photo displayed along with the "Pueblo" seems to be still writing a letter of expiation that the defeat is the fate of the United States.