Vigorously from the Beginning
According to data available, the thermal and hydraulic power stations across the country are carrying out their daily production plans without fail this year, which are higher than last year.
Thermal power producers are working harder to boost the production.
They operate the generating equipment at full capacity to increase the thermal power production since hydraulic resources decrease in winter.

The Pukchang Thermal Power Complex is taking technical measures to enhance the combustion efficiency of the pulverizing system, thus raising the output of each generator to the maximum. It increased the operation rate of major equipment such as wagon tipper and conveyor and supplied coal in time, producing millions of kilowatt hours of electricity more in the first three days of the year.
The Pyongyang Thermal Power Station, the Chongchongang Thermal Power Station, the East Pyongyang Thermal Power Station and the Sunchon Thermal Power Station also increase the operation rate of boilers to boost the steam production and fully ensure the efficiency of generating equipment.
The hydraulic power generation sector is increasing the production while putting efforts into ensuring high water level and high efficiency operation.
Workers and technicians of the Suphung, Hochongang, Kanggye Youth and Sodusu power stations push ahead with the production while taking economic and technical steps to put the water control on a higher scientific level and raise the operation efficiency of the generating equipment.
The enthusiasm of the power producers increasing the production from the beginning of the new year encourages the Korean people in their efforts to successfully carry out this year the five-year plan set forth at the Eighth Party Congress.